Light is gradually and continuously expanding. So there is a transformation on the Sixth and Seventh Floors. We are moving up the Middle Stages of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness. In fact, on the Eighth Floor is already so light that you can see far enough, orient yourself and assess your possibilities. These are still not the clear images and not 100% internal confidence in anything. But it is already clear that the sounds are subordinated to some system, more often it is noise and illusion. Sometimes it happens that a danger would come close to you. Is it a real danger? The sound of the beast and the real beast are two different things. And the beast itself, as it turns out, is afraid of the light! A person on the Eighth Floor of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness already clearly understands that these are only sounds and they will not do him any harm if he is properly attached in the Light. In such a way, the Middle Stages of the Pyramid are overcome.
The turning point on the path of enlightenment is the transition to the Upper Floors of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness. On the threshold of the Ninth Floor, the very fact becomes interesting to us: "What are these sounds and inclusively this light? Is there someone upstairs? " This is the moment of awareness of its natural uniqueness. On the upper floors of the Pyramid, beginning with the Ninth, a person already realizes that the whole reality in which he lives is not a limited set of objects, relationships, and events. This is not only the space that he can see with his vision, sense of smell, touch, hearing. Man sees the Light in his heart and soul. He treats it with his being, studies and consciously experiments in the field of his possibilities. Now, let’s expands this field, approaching the source of Light. On the Upper Floors of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness, a person realizes that outside the room that is completely lit, there is an unknown space of infinite possibilities. One’s reality is not the only one, the room is built into an immense system structure. And all of the components interact with one another, all is connected and correlated. We are in a penthouse skyscraper.
A realized transformation is not a point, it is a dynamic movement upwards the Upper Stages of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness. This is a state when a person is able to embrace the integrity of reality with an inner gaze. When it is clear that everything is interconnected and one depends on the other. When the phrase "Flap of the of a butterfly’s wing can cause a tsunami" is clear. The one who understands the phrase is looking at the world from a penthouse window. To understand this phrase, it takes a lot of light. Everyone will come to the Upper Stages of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness, no matter how long and how difficult his path will be. Each difficulty is an opportunity to go forward, it is a motivator for moving to the top of the Pyramid.
Three jumps are done! And now let's remember why we jumped, and answer the question that we asked ourselves at the very beginning of the text: "Is life complicated or simple?". For a person who is in the darkness, life is extremely difficult. It has so many unknowns that it is very difficult to organize it. The more light appears the easier one’s life becomes. The answer to this question depends on the floor from where we look at this life. If we look at life from the lower floors, then life seems complicated to us. But, the higher we climb the Floors of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness, the easier our life becomes.
The wise man says that life is a simple thing!
Victoria Contoret,
Prague, 14.8.2018