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When we talk about human spirituality, we mean his or her balanced existence. The important thing to remember is that we all live in the physical world and in the spiritual world at the same time. These two worlds are not separated, and they cannot be divided. This is a single world. However, people are used to separate these worlds from each other. Used to think that our daily routine is not touched by the spirituality. Go on living as if their work and day-to-day duties do not affect their spiritual life. Go on living as if singing from Bible, exercising Yoga or positive thinking influence their spirituality.


But it is not the way things are. We cannot divide our life into parts. Our life is holistic. It goes without saying that we influence the world around us and our life in a spiritual way when we do something when we talk, even when we think. For instance, how many times have you heard these phrases "Think positively," " You should not get angry with people and smile more often"? In the last ten years, they have become the norm and a sign of good manners. Is everyone happy and positive now? Unfortunately, the answer is – “no”. Let us take a closer look at this advice. Do these phrases actually work? Whom are they good for? Who would hear them and when?


Here is no secret – but there is a rule of the integrity of life. For example, my life is quite ordinary. Simply singing and meditating are not really enough for me to stay positive, smile and forgive someone's slipups. My spiritual life need to be balanced with the earthly pleasures on the certain levels.


What do we consider to be our earthly pleasures? First of all, it is communication with our loved ones and getting attention from the people who are important for us. Second of all, it is sex. Sex is an integral part of the life. It is as important as our health or education and that is why we should take care of its quality and quantity as much as we can. Sexual energies keep our hormones in balance, and that is what makes us happy.


I am always conscious of my spirituality. When I write an article or a chapter of my book I consider it to be a meditation. I take care of my spirituality in many ways. I listen to music, I read books and listen to audio books, do physical exercises. At the same time, I understand how crucial it is to get enough of those earthly pleasures which keep my health in balance and make my body to produce the hormone of happiness. Only then the phrase "Think positively" which you read in a magazine or heard from someone starts working and paying off. That is when I can think positively because both of my worlds – spiritual and physical – are well balanced and merged.


Now and then we need to take some time to look at our life. When I notice that the phrases like "Think positively!" are irritating me instead of being working and I just think: "Easy for you to say!", then I realize that something is going wrong with my inner settings!


Do I get enough earthly pleasures to be happy? Do I have the variety of those pleasures in my life for me to smile and want to think positively when I hear this phrase? I do not think that there is a perfect formula out there to calculate how much pleasure we need at a unit of time. I tend to believe that it is very individual but the joys I have mentioned above are universal.


However, there is more to it. You can go for a walk, swim, jog, train in a gym, sing, dance, draw and so on and so forth. Those are our pleasures. We should open ourselves even more to the world of pleasure in order to understand that physical satisfaction is vital for our spiritual life.



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