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Awareness is a delicate spiritual category


Awareness is a delicate spiritual category. The way to achieve it, or transformation, lies through the physical existing of a human being. That´s why, I will use different metaphors and trace various examples in order to explain the notion of awareness.


Human awareness is the ability to perceive oneself as a part of the Whole. It is multi-level and multilayered state, rather than a punctual one. The primary awareness of oneself as a part of the Whole and the conceptual realization of the existing Whole and its integrity are the first steps to understanding. Let us call it “awakening”.


We can compare this with the usual waking up in the morning: you were in a deep sleep and suddenly you woke up. The first thing to happen is that you need some times to assume yourself, to set your mind for work, to give your brain time to become aware of you, to build up plans for the whole day, to transform thoughts through itself and to take them to you. This is a state of awakening and although you have already thought about your dinner, it doesn’t mean that you have already lived this day and can share the day’s experience. It is not like that by no means. “Awakening” is only the first touch to awareness.


Many are the ways of waking up in the morning for different people across the globe: they wake up in different cities, social and cultural conditions. Their wealth, time and sensations are different. But we all wake up. The one who hasn’t woke up is dead and this article is not for him.


The fact is that is if you have ever been touched by “awakening”, that means that with the help of inner sense, sensation or intuition you suddenly realized that all around you is the One and the Whole. In this moment it is absolutely not important, in which particular age- or wealth- specific point you find yourself, what is your education or professional background. In fact, all of it doesn’t really matter because you have just woke up and a new, exclusively your personal spiritual story is about to begin. This spiritual story moves upwards the stairs of awareness and at this particular moment when you move ahead, you start to immerse yourself in this awareness, grasping its realization more and more deep.


There is another notion that I’d like to introduce in order to facilitate better comprehension of awareness. This is an important notion that describes the state of movement. In physical world we tend to describe movement with such verbs as “go”, “run”, “drive”, “fly” and s.o. but in inner world this movement is normally denoted by the verb “transform”. At the moment when you wake up and start your way, your spiritual transformation begins. The purpose, the aspiration and the hope of this transformation is for you to go further and to reach higher point of the levels of consciousness. Each level brings its depth: transforming yourself skywards, in fact you move inwards, inside of yourself, you become aware of yourself in great depth and detail. You become conscious of the world through your own self.


The next important category that needs to be delineated is the one of measure. In the moment of awakening, as soon as one touches awareness, his measure is extremely superficial, light, not profound. In the beginning it is impossible to be aware of the whole panoramic picture in detail, and the most important is that is not possible to recognize one’s own influence upon this picture.


As a general rule, people tend to wake up and touch the awareness in the very exact point and moment, when they are still absolutely convinced that all they see with their eyes: life they live, objects and events – is something that can directly influence their destiny, their well-being. As our awareness grows, that is to say as we ascend the stairs of awareness, the picture changes. All the notions that were unchangeable just yesterday, start to lose their balance in favor of a different side. The deeper is the awareness, the higher is his/her floor in the pyramid of awareness, the better he grasps that these are nor external factors that influence him, rather that is him who influences the external. The human being is the reason of everything, not the consequence.


What is unique is that here we can apply Chinese wisdom: “To know your way and to go your own way – are different things”. You can know about that, but until you find yourself in the determined point of awareness, that gives you straight and continuous confirmation of your influence to the physical reality, you are not able to become aware of that. I can compare it to the process of description of the taste of an orange. I can waste tons of paper and weeks of talks in my intention to describe how does it taste, but this way you will not feel the taste of an orange. Nevertheless, it can be done easier: you will just take an orange and taste it. In such a manner, all that I have been talking about before, doesn’t matter in comparison to the moment when you give your first bite of an orange.


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