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Scientists proved that words can revive dead cells. Back in 1949 Enrico Fermi, Ulam and Pasta were investigating nonlinear systems. These oscillatory systems were acting unusual under certain conditions. They were able to memorize conditions to which they had been exposed and this information was stored within the system for quite a long time. One of the typical examples oscillatory systems is the RNA that stores the information memory of the body. Solitons are also endowed with memory that can exceed any modern computer in accuracy.


A soliton is a structural stable wave that acts as a conscious being. During the experiment, conducted by a group of scientists, they managed to trace the way followed by a soliton in the RNA molecule. By passing through an RNA chain, the wave recognized all the information.


Scientists continued their investigations in the mathematical institute of RAS. They tried to affect solitons through human speech, recorded on the data carrier. Under the influence of words, solitons started the vital activity.


In the experiment with wheat, grains were exposed to a critical dose of radiation, but after being exposed to solitons, they sprouted. Under the microscope, the restoration of RNA was observed. So it turns out that words can revive dead cells.


Scientists from USA and India continued experiments on the bigger scale, investigating the impact of collective thought on the state of the Planet. In this experiment collective concentration of positive creative thoughts of 60 – 100 thousands of people drastically reduced the crime rate for a couple of days in the area that was in focus of participants´ attention.


Scientists succeeded to demonstrate that these experiments prove the materiality of human thoughts and feelings, their incredible ability to resist evil, death, and violence. Great minds keep confirming the ancient truths. Human thoughts can be both creative and destructive. It´s up to you which way to choose. Human life is a constant process of decision-making and we should learn to do it correctly and consciously.


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