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The first group of examples is mobile applications that motivate, whenever its possible, to focus on their internal state throughout the day. These are applications for meditation, a growing amount of meditative music, brain training, increasing concentration and much more for different tastes in a game form. A good example is a Human Design. These are all tools that enable meditation, relaxation and awareness during the working day, during a break, in transport, whenever you have free time.


The second group of examples are schools and online courses that teach a systematic approach to spiritual transformation. All of them, as one, urge to do it without moving to a new place, without radical changes in their lifestyle. I want to mention three core examples of such schools, which already have not just followers and positive results, but also a clearly comprehensible big and bright future.


First of all, this is the Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening. The second example is the Givin Awakening School. And the third is the University of Quantum Activism of Dr. Amit Goswami. These are only 3 examples that I can neither recommend nor evaluate. I just want to identify examples of the universal tendency towards a new approach to spiritual transformation.


Consciousness is a measuring spiritual feature of a human being. It has a tendency to develop, change, and it never freezes at one point without movement, like life itself. The manner of its dynamics is a spiritual transformation. Where is the history and practice of humanity's spiritual transformation going? Let me anticipate it in just 5 points:


1. The universal acceptance of meditation, as part of everyday life, equivalent to it, such as lunch and coffee breaks

2. Reorganization of the working day schedule in large corporations with the aim of introducing meditative pauses.

3. Organization of special premises for meditation everywhere. In the same manner, as nowadays there are rooms for prayer or smoking in the airports.

4. The birth of new, progressive, but simple and accessible meditative techniques online, especially in the form of a game.

5. The universal societal recognition of meditation and creative thinking in all fields of life associated with it: in education, entertainment, traveling and in the work process.


The train of our life is no longer going, it is racing through the spaciousness of change. How to keep up with the train? How to keep up, but at the same time, avoid breaking? The answer is very simple. It lays in awareness: running in the circle of material life with no spiritual component in it is meaningless and harmful to humans. To realize and accept that spiritual development is as important as food, because it is a source of energy that gives us life. We will follow the trends. We will not reject them or complain, but rather accept and evaluate them for our own use. And we will rejoice! Just because we live in amazing times, when we have the opportunity to be conscious and spiritually advanced right at home here and now.


Victoria Contoret







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