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Money is a universal measure of well-being in our civilization. Is it bad or good? It is neither polar nor dual. This is a fact that it is important to acknowledge and take it into consideration while maintaining balance and not leaning to any of the extremes:

“Money is the main thing in life” or “Money is not important in life”.

Both statements can be true while they are balanced with spiritual side of the issue. And both can be false if the inner balance between the material and the spiritual is distorted.

Everything I said is clear and does not require much more clarifications. Another question that arises is: "How?". How to keep this balance, without becoming it automatical? There is one good old recipe here: WAYS TO SPEND MONEY DETERMINES QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF THEIR INFLOW.

“If you're so smart, then where is your money?” is a Jewish wisdom that is absolutely not about money. It is about the so-called “wiliness”, which is, in fact, an inner flair, based on cultural traditions, mentality, social environment and level of material well-being.


Yes, it is a closed loop and it has two sides of the coin, like everything else in this dual world. So, here are the conclusions:


  1. The core condition for financial and material well-being is to balance these two statements within oneself: “Money is the main thing in life” and “Money is not important in life”.
  2. It’s important to know how to spend money for them to inflow back!
  3. If you are not satisfied with the quality, quantity (or both aspects) of your cash flow, you need to “break the circle” and change the settings.
  4. Breaking a circle is more pleasant and easier in the “Spending Money” part, rather than in the “Getting Money” part.

The practical step by step algorithm of breaking the circle and getting into the control panel:


  1. Write a list of "Ways to spend money", dividing it into 2 parts: "I need" and "I want". "I need" will include obligatory payments starting from utility costs to the purchase of basic (everyone has different notion of basic) and hygiene products. "I want" list will include spendings that are not vital but rather the ones that bring pleasure. They are also very, very important!


  1. Now go through your checklist:
  • Do I keep the balance between "I need" and "I want"?
  • Are there any donation costs included in my list?
  • Are there taxes or income payments included in my list?
  • Do I thank for what I have, to everyone who is involved in this: from God to the employer, colleagues and family?


  1. Realize which of the “I need” or “I want” parts you like less and adjust so that your attitude towards all the expenses of the list is filled with understanding and love.

Here the instruction ends and the process of getting individual inner awareness of wisdom starts "If I am so smart, then I don’t think about money at all, because they come to me in the proportion to my intelligence".

But if I still think about money, then this is great news. For in front of me here is an amazing and fascinating path of "getting smart"! It is not just traced on the map, it is within each of us, as a birth gift. This is the path of spiritual maturation, the path of moving upwards through the Floors of your Awareness.

At the end of the journey, each of us will receive a gift - a balance point, where you will find the meaning of the phrase “If you are so smart, then where is your money?”

Have a pleasant journey!



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