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Let's start with the basics. Being a leader is a talent. This is not an academic degree or track record. It is a talent. It can be either present or absent. By not taking this essential truth into consideration, the modern leadership has reached a dead end. There are lots of people who have diplomas and management experience, but almost no one is able to withstand the intensity and pressure of the real leadership role.


What does this dead end affect? Neither more nor less it influences the future of mankind. We live in the times of change, in N.E.O.TIME. The old school leaders, trained and educated by methods of the traditional leader's school, will undoubtedly not drag out new goals and ways to them. The core thing is that the new goals are oriented at spiritual values of a person, the epoch of material motivation is left behind. And the flagships are sharpened for the matter.


We need leaders of a new generation, N.E.O.LEADERS. Where can we get them? How to train them? In a new way! We should start with the basics. The leader is a talent. Talents should be sought. Once found, they should be developed and maintained. To reach clarity in the presentation of the issue, I come up with the notion of Activation of Leadership Talent. The purpose of this activation is the birth of N.E.O.LEADERS.


Leader Activation is a step-by-step, gradual process. In practical terms, the purpose of activation is to release the leader from unnecessary "noises" around him and in his head. The moment when the leader starts to hear his own self and live in harmony with this self, is the first step on the path to the birth of a conscious, spiritually and physically balanced N.E.O.LEADER. For the leader himself, it results in a state of self-confidence; it peels off the unnecessary flow of information and entails leader's capacity to comprehend his leader's vocation.


It might also happen that the leader is talented, but his talent is not balanced in the spiritual aspect and therefore he does not fulfill his leadership task for one hundred percent, of all the opportunities given to him. It might frequently be observed in the physical body of the leader and the way of his life. Like, for example, his overweight, erratic mental state, depressive states filled up with alcohol, quickly-reached fatigue, an absence of interest to life.



The process of leader activation is not just a process of mental training but also the physical one. The body should be as trained as the spirit. Only a combination of these two components in a parallel harmonic progressive process of activation gives the most positive result.



A human being walks along his unique road, and it is nature that originally gave him the strength to keep on moving. It is good. But if he walks along it with no awareness of his spiritual destination, he is miserable on the way.


The return of the leader to the right path of conscious movement through his own life is indeed the process of activation. This process can not be superficial, it can be only internal. So leader activation is actually self-activation of each of us from within, with external help and support of the activation programs.


When the leader is self-confident, he is ready to fulfill his leadership task. These tasks can belong to different scales and levels. Still, complete harmony with your leadership quality, inherent to you by nature is indispensable to perform this task right.


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