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You can really cooked a Thai soup that you never cooked, with the ingredients that you read about, but have never been seen before and do not know their taste. Everyone understands that the soup you cook will not be as tasty and useful as the soup that a real Thai cooker will be able to cook - which has a long experience of making this soup, which has a sense of taste and utility of each ingredient separately and their unique combinations. It's simpler: you and the Thai cooker have a radically different measure of willingness to perceive and use in practice the information of the Thai soup recipe.


The same – with spiritual texts. And the same – with information on the transformation of awareness, awakening and enlightenment. Internet is nowadays fulfilled with such information. But in order to understand it, it is necessary to be definitely prepared – how a Thai cooker is prepared for to cook a good Thai soup.


What does a person need in order to correctly perceive spiritual information about transformation? All the same. He needs some training and this training is called "awareness." At a certain level of natural unique awareness of a person, certain levels and depths of spiritual information are available to him. If, by opening a certain text, it seems boring or uninteresting to us, this does not mean that the author of the text is stupid or does not know how to clearly express his thoughts, although this can be - 😊


In most cases, this means that a reader is not ready to perceive that very information, that its natural uniqueness, i.e. awareness, does not quite correspond to the level of awareness of this information, i.e. awareness of the author who suggested this information.


For many centuries mankind understands that in order to read, you need to know the letters, and in order to understand, it is necessary to understand the topic, i.e. be ready. Mathematicians talk about mathematics, equipment adjusters can talk about equipment repair, agronomists can talk about vegetable selection. But this does not mean that everyone can talk about everything, evaluate any information and immediately apply it in practice.


Now the main topic, exciting humanity is the theme of spiritual transformation. It should be taken into account that the principle of understanding this information is not complicated, but requires a certain readiness for its perception. Each of us is naturally unique in his or her awareness. Therefore it is important for us to understand that the preparedness for the perception of spiritual information should be, always has been and always will be.



This is the point that I transfer into the world through the Method of People Uniqueness Tuner (PUT), which operates with the help of the Contoret Pyramid of Natural Unique. When we realize that each of us is naturally unique in proportion to our awareness, we get relief from the understanding that not every text should be understood by us, not every recommendation should be applied in life.


We are in the open field of infinite possibilities. To measure and understand the level of our natural uniqueness, as well as the level of natural uniqueness of the people around us, becomes the same vital element of our life as the need to know the notes in order to play a musical instrument.


Understanding of our natural uniqueness makes life easier. The application of the Method enables the selection of infinite quanta of information around us. And this facilitates perception and gives an opportunity to look for people who are similar to us by their natural uniqueness. With these people it is easier for us to live, work and to have children. And most importantly, to do all that without stress! We are allowed not to improve ourselves endlessly and endlessly not to wear ourselves out with the theme of enlightenment, insights or the indispensability of spiritual growth. We are all good where we are. For each of us there is enough information that will be clear to us and easy to apply. I am for the simplicity of life, for the ease of moving through it.


The Pyramid of Natural Unique is a tool that came to the aid of mankind, is accessible to everyone and generates a new unique community of people - N.E.O.PEOPLE. These are people who understand what is written in this text, who agree with the author's point of view. We are glad to see such people in our N.E.O.PEOPLE International Movement. Write to us in FB and IG, come and read articles on our site, write to us by email: We are glad to see you!

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