We go up the Pyramid. The sounds die down. Suddenly, a small light lit over your head. This light shines only at you. All of a sudden it became easier. At least now you see your shoulders and hands. You began to feel yourself and this already brings you a certain amount of peace and a sense of security and safety rooted in it. Even if it is still very small. And most importantly, not stable at all. In silence, it gives the illusion of rest, but when the sounds begin to go from all the four corners again, you start to tremble with fear again. The thing is that you still do not understand whether the sounds are real or not, whether they can cause harm or no. It's still dark around. But at least you already feel a small glowing point – yourself! This is how a person feels on the Second and Third Floors of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness.
Now imagine that a light bulb flashed above you. It lit you up and by doing that, created a circle of light around you within the reach of an outstretched hand. Now you feel much more confident! You see that you are standing on the floor, this floor is solid. You begin to understand what are the things around you: the floor, the ceiling, where the light comes from, and yourself in the lighted space. You begin to understand that not all the sounds coming from the darkness are dangerous. Fear does not clinch you in the block of a self-preservation instinct. Illuminated space gives a sense of security, in which you are able to distinguish sounds, analyze them and see small opportunities. They are still small, but at least you already can see them! This is how a person feels on the Fourth Floor of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness.
Suddenly, new lamps are lit and the light from above illuminates the field a little more. This is not a clear light, but it outlines a light circle around you within the radius where you can even move around. Well, let's say, we are talking about 3 meters. At this moment, your self-confidence, the stability of your life position goes to a completely different level. You are already in the Middle Stages of the Pyramid! This is a space in which you are already aware of yourself, new opportunities for action or protection. Here, you realize the living space around you. You can put a table, a chair, you can say: "I will put a fence around this space to protect myself from wild animals and natural disasters." Inside of this lighted space, you are comfortable, secure and the things became more clear for you. At that moment, you start to hear the sound again. Okay, you still do not understand what these sounds are and where do they come from. You still do not understand whether it is a water or wild animal that approaches your fence, whether it is a bird that comes or you are being caught by a hurricane. Still, you are not so scared anymore. This is the Fifth Floor of the Pyramid of Natural Uniqueness.