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Many who have been engaged in business in the twentieth century and continue to make business in the XXI century, noticed an amazing change in the very nature of business. Businesses built on the exclusively material orientation of its owners suddenly began to wither. Unexpectedly for all of us, spirituality in business has brought a clear need to think about our business as something where people should contribute joy. This trend is clearly visible from the beginning of the century. The roots of the business experience of the author of these lines are also from the last century, therefore I allow myself this analysis. It was absolutely amazing. Almost irrelevant component in the XX century, it began to dominate the business models of the new millennium.


Businessmen were divided into two categories: the first ones grasped the change and shifted the mode, the second ones did not want to understand and accept it, continuing to use the same old rails. It is tiresome and exhausting. And it is enough just to restructure your intention. Let us give an example. What do you want to create? Do you want to bake buns? Perfect! Why? Just because you want to have one cent from each bun and earn 100 euros. Bad! Your business will not come into the 21st century. But if you bake buns, because one bun will make one person happier, then your business will bloom!


Here is one more example. Imagine that you want to open a massage parlor. If your business intention is to earn 100 euros from the massage is based just on the mathematical calculation of the business model and does not take into account the spiritual factor, then forget about the massage room! Do not even waste time, stay lying on the couch. Still, if you feel that with your hands you will help people who come to you; if you feel that you will make them happier and they will express their gratitude with 100 euros, you can start the business safely.


Business charts suddenly stopped working. The estimates of real estate risks have gone to completely different dimensions. I can notice lots of examples like this around me. Businessmen who got an inner comprehension and supported the new spiritual impulse sent us by the energies of the planet, as if by magic began to develop in an incredible way. These include companies that have registered in their missions non profit, but sincere service to people:, Apple, healthy lifestyle wave and owerwhelming charity. In one word, it is N.E.O. time . This is a really amazing time, a time of new awareness, a time of ECO-thinking and a time of an open heart.


Eco-thinking is also a concept from the spiritual field of business. It does not stand exclusively for the fact that we collect plastic bottles, but also for the fact that we are looking for a cost-effective model. Within this model, we think where we can take them after collection, we include optimization of time and effort in processing and further use of raw plastic. This is an ECO approach we need. There is no more place for a stupid, unspiritual and unnaturally efficient business in this new world. Business has moved into a new dimension. A new dimension dictates to us new methods of organizing and managing a business. For example, the online business is becoming active at such a speed, against which offline today seems to be a slow-motion frame.


Now everyone who wants to create or successfully continue their business has only one task: to accept the love inside and to start transmitting it to the world, applying different media, including through business. As soon as this happens to you, set yourself more ambitious goals and dream bigger. All of your dreams will come true!


It is just today that Spirituality and Business are not compatibly used in the same article; though, they already do not exist without each other, because it is N.E.O.TIME!



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