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Say what you think.  Yet, always think what you say.


Say what you think.


Yet, always think what you say.


When we talk about geometry of an airplane’s wing during takeoff and landing, we mean the direct influence of open (closed) wing-flaps on the trajectory of the plane’s movement. Similarly, within ICanDo there is a notion of space geometry, i.e. quality and direction of our thoughts, their changes and influences of these changes on our lives.


The influence of our thoughts on our lives today is obvious from a set of regularities, which everyone can experience in his/her life. In order to get a first-hand experience of the space geometry, try the following Full Test-Training: Eliminate filler and cult words that bring negative information along with them. Among such words you will find: a problem, a bomb (in a slang meaning), disaster, dammit, etc. Try for two weeks controlling and avoiding the use of such words in your speech (although they may still sneak out!), and you will be amazed to realize how often we use these types of “junk” words and phrases in our everyday lives. They destroy the peace and quietness in our informational and energy space. To simplify the experiment replace these words with synonyms that have no destructive effect, for example:


- Problem – situation (a crossing point of various circumstances, which has to be solved)

- Bomb! (slang) – excellent! fantastic! great!

- Disaster – natural phenomenon

- Dammit – hmm … eliminate completely! …


Control your vocabulary and remove everything that clutters your speech. Trust me, during this experiment everyone tends to reach the following simple conclusions:


1. Filler words and cult words significantly litter our speech;


2. We use these words uncontrollably, not even realizing how often we do that;


3 People around us constantly use these words and don’t realize their harmful effects. Realization of the damage comes after two weeks, but we start seeing the evident results in a month.


Two weeks after, you will understand that our life has suddenly changed! It has become smoother and more uniform, you start having kinder people around, critical situations tend to solve themselves out without your involvement… The world is filled with peace and love again! Congratulations! The experiment was successful. Now it is up to all of us: whether we give up and say, “What the …!” or shall we carry on with the experiment for the rest of our life and improve it at least in this easy way. It remains up to your discretion to decide.


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