(The Maslow’s Pyramid and the Contoret Pyramid)
(The Maslow’s Pyramid and the Contoret Pyramid)
In order to make a smooth transition to monistic idealism, it is important to point out that the principles of material realism are metaphysical postulates. These are assumptions about the nature of being, and not conclusions from experiments.
The basis of classical science, including classical physics, is material realism. Over the past 400 years, science has been relying on the basic principle of material realism. It has reached a number of achievements and today this movement is slowing down more and more, because it runs into contradictions between the principles of material realism, everyday life and practical experience in physical research. The starting point of material realism can be considered the mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes, who came to the conclusion that the world can be thought of as a machine.
The contradictions between the scientific conservative approach to the creation and reality in our daily life is constantly increasing with a sense of approach to the "boiling point". We are confronted with the spiritual manifestation of life in everyday practice. We no longer adopt this spirituality to our life from books, but rather draw it from our own life experience.
The first group of examples is mobile applications that motivate, whenever its possible, to focus on their internal state throughout the day. These are applications for meditation, a growing amount of meditative music, brain training, increasing concentration and much more for different tastes in a game form. A good example is a Human Design. These are all tools that enable meditation, relaxation and awareness during the working day, during a break, in transport, whenever you have free time.
This article is for those who treat the spiritual side of their life, inner spiritual transformation and personal growth consciously. The theme of new trends in spiritual transformation is for those who are moving towards understanding life through the path to themselves.